7 Jun 2009

可以做的, 就只這麼多...

去年六月到葡萄牙走了一轉。離開里斯本,到了波圖 (PORTO)。一年後的六月,雖未能親身再到那兒走一趟,但為著考試,翻閱關於砵酒(Port)的資料,再看看那年拍下的照片,好像在重遊舊地...

對著那樣多的資料,根本「塞唔入腦」。最後,只有說一句「可以做的,就只這麼多」... 或許成敗得失,並不重要。更重要的是,讀書的過程讓我發現,原來自己已經開始了「行萬里路」的人生。

'Barco Rabelo' - historically, these boats were loaded with pipes of Port, and travelled from the Upper Duoro to Oporto.

Nowadays, they are still lining up along the river side as reminisence of the past.

Along the River Douro, there are the names of the famous shippers of Port.

Oporto - a city filled with the smell of Port.